Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Letter to Myself

Letter to Myself
            Before I have entered the world of doubting social stance, I was an unconscious victim to the mind control by the media. As I moved through the course, I was introduced to many different perspectives, mainly concerning and criticizing about American culture. I have never thought so deeply about the society we live in because I thought it was the only way possible for it to function. However, by recognizing how, in various ways, the society can be modified to fit the desires of many different types of people, I was able to gain a clearer and more general perspective on the society I exist in. I believe I still am a victim but I am at least somewhat conscious about it now and the materials assisted me in realizing so.
            The most entertaining and unforgettable activity that I have done in this course was the artifact activity that was assigned as a kick starter. This helped me observe and analyze the good and the bad of American society and trying to figure out what characteristics of the society fit with the characteristics of the artifact was not only fun, but also beneficial. The reading of Culture Jam was also very educational and exciting. As I kept reading, I was surprised by how critical he is but at same time how that critical comments actually are logical. Although, I could not agree with all of the ideas given by Lasn, most of his ideas were worth analyzing and understanding. All of the activities I have done throughout this course helped me grow as a person by providing me more broader perspectives on the objects.
            As I am trying to pursue a career in educational psychology, I definitely think that this experience is going to be very useful. This is because in educational psychology, I must first think about my students' stand points. If I fail to do so and force my perspectives on them, I will not be able to assist them in self-development of personality and creativity. Although I moved to Japan, I think many of the cultural frictions we have studied throughout the course could apply to the Japanese culture. Thus, in conclusion, I believe that my widened perspective can help me in pursuing my dream.

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