Wednesday, June 26, 2013

About myself

Hi Everyone,

My name is Shusuke Sugihara and I am a high school student. I have lived in Japan only for the first six months of my life, but I speak Japanese the best. I moved to America when I was in fifth grade. Although, I have lived in English speaking country the longest, my English skills are not very good.

I like playing soccer. I have played soccer since when I was in kindergarten. Although, I did not neglect school work at all, my first priority was always soccer. I have worked hard to always become better. Few years ago, when I lived in Washington, my team and I were able to become the top 8 team in state. For personal reasons, I quit playing soccer seriously when I moved to California but I still enjoying playing soccer as a hobby.

I am currently a high school student and is planning on graduating high school this June. I am going to move back to Japan by myself after I graduate and apply for Japanese college. When I get into a college, I would like to major in psychology. This has been my personal goal since when I was in middle school and I am working hard currently to achieve this goal. I am planning on becoming a psychologist after I graduate college.

Thank You - Shu

Convenient yet Inconvenient

Convenient yet Inconvenient

            American culture, a culture filled with dream, freedom, and liberty but also with traffic, noise, and business, is one of the most influential cultures worldwide and is affecting how people’s lives are both inside America and outside America. America, a body that developed about 250 years ago, grew rapidly, becoming the strongest leading country in the world. American people work hard and tirelessly in order to maintain this position. This attitude has become the fundamental element of American culture. In my opinion, an iPhone, which is a convenient and quick product on which one can make phone calls, organize his work, search for information, and many other things on that can be used anywhere and any time, would be an artifact that best defines such American culture.            One quality that defines American culture is “rush”. People rush during school, work, and even during their leisure time. They fear being late because they think that by doing so, they would destroy the reputation and that their identities would be lost. Their actions are always determined by how clock runs and people think that this is normal. However, this is not true for many other cultures. For instance, many Europeans do not care about being late. It is normal for them to come five, ten, and even thirty minutes late to events. Thus, rushing is unique in American culture and an iPhone, designed to be able to be used in any occasion quickly, presents this element of American culture.            Another quality that defines American culture is “media”. We interact with them every moment even without awareness. As Lasn stated, they make us “wear the trendiest fashions, drive the best cars industry can produce and project an image of incredible affluence – cool people living life to the hilt” (xiii). Basically, media studied and published by experts control ordinary people’s actions, desires, and opinions, making a trend. This trend can be anything such as political, social, or economical but the most obvious one is popular culture, the trend targeted toward teenagers. Teenagers usually do not have an established and definite own self yet and can be easily controlled. An iPhone is not an exception. I see many people with iPhone who do not understand its full function. They do not care about what this product can do, but buy this because everyone else has it. Commercials, TV programs, celebrity news, etc. can be all found containing this product, making a trend of iPhone usage. An iPhone, itself, displays media as well, converging our mind into wanting something. This is a result of advancement in information technology where everyone is interacting with information at any time. Thus, media is unique in American culture and an iPhone, marketed enormously by media and displays media itself, presents this element of American culture.            Third quality that defines American culture is “convenience”. As Lasn stated, “Americans now live designer lives – sleep, eat, sit in car, work, shop, watch TV, sleep again” (xiii). American lives now are mostly mechanical, planned, and predictable in order to get the most efficiency out of them, and through this mechanical actions we make, they start desiring convenience. They want to be able to utilize their time and work while eating, driving, and many other ineluctable moments. Thus, convenience is unique in American culture and an iPhone, made mobile and easily accessible to Internet specifically to fill this desire, presents this element of American culture.            An iPhone has become the most used and famous kind of smartphone in America and in many other countries. I, myself, have an iPhone and I also see many others with this as well. It is a convenient, letting people do almost everything they want to accomplish virtually, mobile, letting people fit it inside their pockets and in their hands, and quick, utilizing the technology that advanced in quite amazing speed lately, product. This product was designed and marketed this way carefully by experts in order to meet the desires of American people. Thus, an iPhone would be the best item that iconizes both the benign side and the harmful side of American culture.Response                Writing this essay concentrated and in quiet room clarified my thoughts on how I view American culture. I described how American culture is trespassing everything quickly. Although some elements that I listed at the conclusion paragraph were not explained or analyzed at all in this essay, I was able to analyze the fundamental ones that I thought were important in relating the artifact to the culture. This experience would definitely help and affect me on how I view things through my ordinary life.                As far as the essay goes, I think I did well over all. I did well with my introduction paragraph by listing out the basic elements of American culture and relating it to my analysis. One negative quality that I found is that paragraph volumes are odd and not balanced. For the next one, I would try to trim them into similar volume in order to make flow of the essay better. I also started all three body paragraphs with the same format which made the essay somewhat boring to read. I will try to come up with unique and interesting style in order to lure the readers in more. I also need to not forget to title my essay.



            E-sports, in another word electronic sports, is a relatively new sort of culture said to be found by the establishment of the very first professional league of video gaming, modeled off of major professional sports leagues in United States, which became aggrandized and realistic through the first big tournament featuring a Ferrari as prize reward in 1997 and also through the emersion of a humongous South Korean e-sports industry of Starcraft, Real Time Strategy game, in 2002. Although, there is no definite definition of this subculture, I would like to define it as culture of video gaming, mostly online, consisted of many sub communities within itself which are usually categorized by game titles. In this subculture, "connection" is the key essence in keeping it as successful as it is currently. People actively participating in this subculture attend events, make an influence in the community, and economically sustain themselves on top of just playing games of their favor. People often look at the video games and describe them as just a child's toy and an unhealthy way of using time, but this overstatement surely overlooks the beneficial qualities of this subculture. This subculture evolved as the information technology advanced. Internet has instituted the connection between the gamers, which were not common back then, enabling the establishment of this massive subculture we see today. Although many people get involved in this subculture at home through internet, some actually go outside, for example tournament events, in order to actively participate. People get involved in this subculture not only by playing the game itself but also by creating guides, playing for beta, which is a prototype of a game, streaming, etc. However, as I stated above, since e-sports subculture obtains many large and small communities within itself, I would like to validate my points through a community on one specific game, League of Legends e-sports community.
            In League of Legends community, all of the players are connected through both internet and offline events. League of Legends, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game (MOBA game) released on October 27, 2009, is played by about 32 million players nowadays who are from 145 different countries around the world. Due to its large population, some players were and are able to become professional players who actually make unbelievably large amount of money and are able to economically sustain themselves. This great quantity of wages comes from winning tournaments, sponsorships, managing websites, and streaming their games. This business model has provided the fundamental basis for the huge web of connections among ordinary players like myself. For instance, such ordinary players would observe professional players playing in a tournament through online streaming services just as if common people were watching a soccer tournament on TV and chat among themselves to comment on their game plays and statistics. This has established the teacher to student like connection between the professional players and the ordinary players and friendship sort of connection between each players as well. Just by so, connection between the community members have gotten stronger, making this subculture community even bigger.
            The competitiveness has also strengthened the connection between players in League of Legends. In League of Legends, there is a game mode called ranked game, in which players play for their elo points. This elo rating system was modeled and implemented off of that in a chess ladder; winning a game will provide few points to one's total league points and losing a game will take away few points from one's total league points. Depending on his league points, then, one will be put into a league with those with similar amount of points. After he is put into a league, whenever he plays ranked games, he now gets matched with others with similar strengths in his league, increasing the competitiveness between the players. This competitiveness forces the players to visit the websites where specific guides are created and posted on, observe the games of the players who are ranked higher than them and ask them for advice in order to improve their mechanics and game skills. This process increases the communication between the community members, resulting in a broader connection within this subculture.
            The characteristic of a MOBA game being a game fought between two teams consisted of five players each has also contributed in augmenting the connection. As a team game, teamwork is the deciding factor in winning a game. From my observation, many players tend to be friendly to each other in order to understand their team mates and quickly establish a team work. This forms a tight bond similar to that of a nationalism among these players and through its process, makes the circle of friends bigger and bigger. This circle of friends is doubtlessly an icon of connection among the community members and can be concluded that this specific characteristic of a MOBA game has enlarged the connection within this subculture.
            The computers are the must have tools for this subculture and they are essential artifacts that exemplifies the element of "connection". In Player versus Player (PvP) games, which most online games are, reaction time and response time are the key to victory and although reaction time, meaning the time the players take to react to concurring events, is a human mechanic and ability, response time, meaning the time the hardware takes to respond to inputs such as clicking and typing, is not. This is no exception in League of Legends. Thus, not only professional player but also ordinary players crave for advanced and high-spec computers that respond quickly to the inputs. As a byproduct of this, quick and convenient interactions were enabled. Due to this, the players are able to communicate at any given time while working on any other task, multiplying the opportunity in which the players can interact upon.
            Another artifact that is essential to this subculture is an internet. Although this artifact is shapeless, it has a definite impact on this subculture and provides the foundation on which gamers can freely interact on. High speed and popularized internet is now a ubiquitous property to most civil people. Due to this spread of a massively advanced and universal communication tool, not only gamers but also any common people are now able to interact and communicate between each other, increasing the global communication traffic. Thus, both, the computers and an internet, contributed to the development of the mass connection domestic to the e-sports community nowadays.

            This subculture has grown rapidly in these past few years, understood more and more by others. However, although it is true that this is being understood by more people outside of this subculture, most common people still do not tolerate it. When I was first introduced to this subculture through several friends of mine I, too, did not have a good impression or understanding of this group. However, as I interacted with people and environment of this subculture, I was able to fuse into and comprehend the qualities of it more and more. The key essence of this subculture, "connection", absolutely contributed in stimulating the e-sports culture. I believe that we can learn to establish a better community ourselves by studying and not neglecting the reality  of this subculture and how the connection between the members have been developed.


                I had quite a fun time analyzing the subculture I have been involved in for quite a long time. The researches I have done for this essay have provided me more knowledge about my own identity. Not just the characteristics, but also trying to understand what physical components require me to have when I want to participate in this subculture teaches me how advanced the society has gotten technological  wise. I was surprised about how influential my subculture was as well. This encouraged me to keep pursuing what I like and assist others when they seek for help.
                I have improved my sentence structure level compared to the previous essay. I believe the flow of the essay was pretty smooth. The flow of the words itself also improved. My evidences were logically and scientifically proven and thus are solid. I believe I did well overall. One point I need to fix is that my conclusion is not summarizing the total idea as much and I should work on improving the capture on main points and summarizing them.

Perplexed by the Technologies

Perplexed by the Technologies

            The technologies are unique to humans and have been invented by us to make the matters more convenient and to improve people’s lives. It is true that most of these technologies have been implemented into our society and nourished the culture in a benign way. For instance, the communication technology and the information technology have enabled swift and constant connections between friends, family members, and many others, which overflow our minds with the information that could be useful as we move forward in our lives. If one walks down a street, he can observe many others who “have carved a little semi-private, personalized space out of the larger public” (Samuels) in order to stay connected to the community via Internet, which sounds ironic but true. However, they all have side effects of some sort and these side effects can only be found after such newly found technologies have become ordinary to the society by being used for many years. Far as the information technology, such as the Internet, cellular phones, and computers, goes, they have turned many people into the information and entertainment cravers who spend infinite amount of time glued to the screens of such products. In the American culture nowadays, this is an ordinary scene and, although many doubts this situation, the truth is that people are in a situation in which they cannot live up to standard lives without them. Many say that these technologies may affect people unfavorably in every aspect but cannot put them aside.
            In the American culture, the opportunities people obtain have stretched far beyond what they had twenty years ago. The information technology has provided them the opportunities to semi-permanently gain infinite amount of information and to express themselves in many various ways in which people can make their livings off of. This situation is common now and many have achieved the American dream by doing so. This happens because of the ability of the Internet to show only the viral and wanted information. When something fresh and wanted gets posted on the Internet, people rush upon it and praise it as the best. However, from a different perspective, it can also be said that the people are choosing to only observe what are entertaining to them and to exclude those that are not. People switch and channel between different webpages, split away from them once they are satisfied, and repeat this cycle continuously forever. This has created a kind of man who “absorbs everything, but not deeply. Everything is linear. Nothing can be sustained – If it’s not going well, his first instinct is to surf away,” (Lasn 43) who are very common type of person to see nowadays. The information technology has created a habit in the American culture, in which people only face those that are beneficial to them and condemn the rest.
            Such change in the attitude has caused another problem. The concentration levels of those who constantly interact with the information device or devices have diminished. The information technology tamed people in a way that they cannot focus on one thing and understand its core but rather skim through the superficial dimensions of it. This has been causing the educational process to hinder and deteriorate among the students in any educational level. For example, the students at middle school in South Bronx browses web pages or play computer games that are not related to the class materials during class  and even the students of Massachusetts Institute of Technology which is one of the top level schools in the world have gotten worse grades than they were expected to get due to the distractions by the computers according to a documentary, Frontline's Digital Nation.
            The information technology changed the American culture in many different aspects but one most significant change it brought is that people have gotten so dependent on it. Although people are taught that such dependency and addictiveness on it are not healthy, they cannot reside from it. More changes the information technology has brought into our society are starting to get revealed and I do not know if these products and changes are justice or evil. However, I know that these changes are definite and not recognized or alerted fully enough by most people. I believe that everyone must face and understand the fact that this technology can bring both good and bad into our society in order to be ready and not stampede upon when we encounter more negative sides of the information technology.


                Technology is what we interact with everyday. We can avoid it but it will take us way longer to accomplish any civil act. This is because it has become the basis and the fundamental instrument for us to work off of. Before, I was using my computers like they were magical items just popping out from somewhere. However, now, I can see how it positively and negatively affected people. It must be considered seriously when we talk about modern culture.

                I personally do not like this essay. My quotes are not as constructive. The introduction is too big and unbalanced compared to the rest. However I like the connections between the paragraphs. I am able to transition from one paragraph to another swiftly. In future, I will try to be more decisive about the sentence structure.

The Axe Effect

The Axe Effect
            People pass by hundreds of advertisements every single day. They are created by the advertisers and are presented on many platforms in order to bring a message to the consumers. Cognitive or not, the impressions and messages of such advertisements intrude into the brain and get processed as if those messages created by the advertisers are part of people's innate ideas, "since visual communication better suits more primal levels of the brain" (73). The advertisers exploit this human nature to scan his surroundings and temporarily store up the images, create eye-catching and vivid advertisements, scatter them around the world in order to spontaneously establish a domino effect process, in which "attention is caught, communication occurs between producers and consumers, and sales result" (87). Although most people understand this fact that advertisements are created to sell products, people still fall for them. So how do the advertisers accomplish this? Apparently, American businesses "spend a total of fifty billion dollars annually on these messages" (87) in order to research consumers' minds and publish well thought advertisements consisting of many important elements such as colors, models, settings, texts, and displays of products. Scent Changes Sight, an AXE deodorant advertisement, which can be found in many different magazines, comprehend many advanced techniques with which the consumers' drives for its products to increase. This ad may seem like it is simple and superficial, but by carefully analyzing it, its deep and well-knit messages can be interpreted.
            Its colors and contrast are purposely used in such a way to implement the sensational impression into its consumers' brain. This ad is expressed in an excessive contrast of dark and light. First off, the deodorant is very bright; not its can, but the deodorant itself. It is acting as a shroud of light that brightens up the surrounding area. Away from the deodorant, nothing much in detail cannot really be observed since such areas darkened completely. Also, the skin color of the model is pale while he has a brunette hair. These create a great contrast between the attractive features of the model and the dark surroundings which lures the eyes of the consumers to the main point of focus in this ad, which is the model's chest area. In this ad, however, not just the contrast of light and dark is well organized, but also the colors are strategically picked in order to derive the most effect out of them. The colors of items and props used in this ad follows a rule of being naval. The lockers in the background is navy blue and the towel that the model is wrapping around his waist is light-blue. The color, blue, is said to provide a peaceful, calm, and sedulous yet mysterious impressions. This illustrates how the advertisers are trying to implement the ideas that to be attractive, like the model in the advertisement, one must acquire such qualities listed above and that this deodorant is worth purchasing for to be as attractive as the model. On top of that, the color blue makes people to feel the time to be slowed down and concentrated. By understanding the usage of the naval colors in the ad and its effects on human impressions, it can be easily assumed that the advertisers' intentions were to make the consumers dazzled in front of this ad and closely observe it for more and more desire to emerge.
            The model featured in this ad is an attractive, young, and Caucasian male who expresses the idea that the deodorant showcased in this ad made him look as so. It can be inferred by observing the background that he is not exclusively tall which provides a relief to one that the model is actually not an illusion but a figure that is substantial. He stands still half naked with his chin up and his hair well fixed, which is intended to express masculinity. With the Computers Graphics technology, the advertisers decided to edit in a way so that the attractive model gets revealed from his previous obese figure after spraying himself with the deodorant. In a process of revealing himself with the deodorant, he loses his body hair, builds muscle, and gains freshness. His skin is lit up in a way that the obese figure provides a dim and torpid impression while the attractive figure provides a blight and energetic impression. His refreshed and satisfied facial expression is also an essence that contributes to making this advertisement such a successful one. Such accomplished expression exclusively provides an impression that his burden was relieved while also establishing a point that his old figure is impure and that his new figure is the perfect one which is also virtuous and commendable. With the use of this model in a way represented on this ad, it can be understood that its theme is that by the usage of this deodorant, the figure featured on this ad was and is able to get lid of his hideous and neglecting body features to instantaneously gain body features which is commonly regarded as attractive and desirable.
            The advertisers selected the school locker room as the ads' effective setting to target teenagers who attend school. By the fact that model is standing in front of the lockers, it is most intelligible to state that the model have just finished taken a shower after he exercised and is spraying himself with the deodorant to refresh his scent. This is an ordinary scene or a portrait that can be seen at any school. However, that is what the advertisers intended in creating. This actually acts as a tool of camouflage to conceal plentiful amount of ad's unrealistic fabrications that exist in it. The ordinary setting of this ad misleads the consumers to think that, although not everything occurring in this ad is true, maybe the deodorant might have some effect in making a person more attractive. Such misleads can be difficult to identify in most cases, but at the same time, they act as a lubricant to assist the messages artificially created by the advertisers to swiftly dissolve into the consumers' brain.
            Only phrase appearing in this ad is "THE AXE EFFECT." However, because it is compressed and concise, the phrase gets drilled into the consumers' memories. Out of these words, the word "EFFECT" carries the most superb image to the consumers. First, it embeds and idea that the usage of this product will doubtlessly bring a positive change to one. The scent of the deodorant is not the element that is changing how attractive the model becomes; the element is the model's outlook. The combination of the deceiving image and the misleading term establishes concrete but illusionary image into the consumers' minds. Also, The phrase is expressed in adamant and confident font which also emphasizes masculinity. The color of the words are white and since the phrase is placed at the darkest section in the ad, the phrase projects toward the consumers' eyes. Such prominent factors, which are relatively hard to perceive, are what makes this simple phrase dominant and persuasive.
            The product, the AXE deodorant, is adeptly placed at the definite center of the frame. It is held by the model but away from his body at the center of the frame in order to lucidly highlight the product. It is also placed exactly at the height of the model's chest, where the consumers will look at most likely, to lure the eyes of the consumers toward the product. Additionally, the product itself has a dark aura shooting out its nebulous but vivid content, which attracts the consumers' eyes in looking there. The advertisers purposely positioned every aspects of the colors and the objects where they are to call for the customers' attentions to that product.

            Scent Changes Sight, an AXE deodorant advertisement, is targeted exclusively for the products to be purchased by teenage male students. They are usually the ones who undergo a massive change of physical features throughout their growth period. Most will not be able to tolerate every body features and thus acquire the desire to change or to improve. The advertisers of this ad exploit this innate human quality in order to sell their products. The message that this deodorant will improve the consumers' outlook and attractiveness expressed by this ad can easily be understood as contradiction when it is described in text, but since the ad is visual and observed only for a brief period, such message will reach the core of the consumers' brain but will be concealed within the advertisement itself. Every factor of the Fowles' fifteen basic appeals can be found in this advertisement. The innovative techniques researched and established by the advertisers will be more stealthy than the ones people see now in the future and, thus it is important for the consumers to understand the effects of the advertisements in not only raising the desire to purchase an item but also forming their thoughts and ideas into artificial ones.

            Axe deodorant is a product I use every day. From previous studies about advertisement, I knew that AXE ads contained many inclined sexual views. However, I did not quite know exactly how. It was just a blob of image I had inside my head. However, as I did some research and analyzed it on my own, the images became more lucid. The techniques including color, posture, body image, etc. appeared in the ad and although some were obvious, some were hard to determine. Without deep analysis I could not have reached deep enough in order to configure them.
            I think I did well on the introduction. I was able to provide an overview of my essay to the readers very clearly. However, I did not do well sentence structure wise. Although I think my logics and back up explanations were good, the essay itself did not flow as I wanted it to be. It was staggered. I need to work on my sentence structures and vocabulary usage in the future.



            Today's world revolves around trend and popular culture. Before economy took over the world, people are the ones who developed such trend for their own pleasures. However, such era has passed and now, as corporations and the government figured out that by controlling trend, they can convince submissive citizens to be someone that are drawn out and characterized by such organizations; they implant the trend into the brains of the common people through complex and stealthy tactics solidly structured by the professionals from various areas and people are fooled by such tactics and are blinded of the truth. However, such transition "happened so gradually that hardly anyone has noticed," (Lasn 61) and even "those who have clued in apparently figure it's best to ignore the shit and just keep dancing." (Lasn 61) In Culture Jam, Kalle Lasn explains and criticizes about such corrupt social situation in America while illustrating the future plans for culture jammers. He starts off his critique by explaining how technology has been implemented into our lives and since it has been implemented too deeply, some people see the virtual world as their real world. They see it as a world in which they exist and as an utopia where they can amorphously transform into any type of being they desire to be; "It's too real to be a game, yet too artificial to be real." (Lasn 45) Lasn points out the dangerousness of such illusion since the corporations take advantage of this and exploits it for the selfish benefit by using media and technology to their advantage. This process has become too ordinary and currently, people "go to corporations on [their] knees" (Lasn 71) for fresh and new-coming trend, artificially created images by such organizations which are far yet to be true. The corporations brainwash the people so that they are only able to pursue happiness through consuming. Thus, culture jammers, group of people who, since they are discouraged by today's society and had to give up on American dream, banded to challenge the existing normality in the society that "the only Life, Freedom, Wonder, and Joy in [people's] lives are the brands on [their] supermarket shelves," (54) are trying to enlighten others with more versatile and critical perspective in order to assist them regain their individualities and personalities back. However, since people are too lured and fixed to the opinions aired via media, Lasn and the culture jammers must fight on air with advertisements and visual programs, which is the main ground of the corporations, and verify their viewpoint and logic.
            As Lasn describes, people today are too convinced that visual images produced and streamed by others are the ones that they need to follow. People sit in front of their TV sets and effortlessly consume the information published on air. Since they do not have much consciousness that their ideas and thoughts are being deformed into less unique ones by viewing the popularized and artificially made programs, they are forced into thinking that that is the only way for them to showcase themselves as cool people before they know. In Life According to TV, Harry Waters explain that according to the experiments done by George Gerbner, Larry Gross, Nancy Signorielli, and Michael Morgan, they came up with an expected outcome that "heavy viewers of television, who account for more than 30 percent of the population, almost invariably chose the TV-influenced answers." (Waters 138) Most deny that the television programs have formed their entire identity, but the reality is that they do mold identities without noticing. People have given up our responsibility to decide not just their body images and moralities but many other aspects as well. For example, people "assume that the markets will hold," (Lasn 93) and forfeit their responsibilities to keep their money under their control. Such delegations of their whole identity to the media and the corporations have caused today's corrupt and inclined trend which only cause economical circulation and no true cultural diffusion. The corporations plotted out such deformation and exploited it to their benefit in order to gain massive benefits and lure more consumers in.
            Not just the advertisements people see electronically, but also the ones people see every day at the bus stops, freeways, books, etc. are what constructs false images into people's conceptions. The corporations use many complex techniques that they have invented in order to obtain consumers' attentions. One technique is called Salespeak. In Salespeak, Roy Fox describes Salespeak as "any type of message surrounding a transaction between people." (Fox 55) It is persuasive and when applied to business, they bring in massive interactions between the suppliers and the consumers. It can also "function as a type of entertainment or escapism." (Fox 55) The corporations use this to attach whimsical yet convincing messages to be carried upon the viewing of the advertisements. At last, it has specific targets. As Lasn illustrated, when mother takes her daughter to a shopping, "there are products down here at eye level that [mother] cannot see." (Lasn 54) By narrowing down the target range and creating a fit message for that specific group, the Salespeakers are able to produce maximum effectiveness. The corporations had done such exploitation "because they have jettisoned faith in the true spiritual nature of the human being and have not the courage to risk being real, but must always be striving to become superior to their competitors.'" (Lasn 106) Even when corporations call their products eco-friendly, they are not ultimately so and are just trying to improve their corporate images. People must recognize this and must use this argument as a defense to sustain their individualities.
            Such exploitation through media and advertisements cannot be avoided since technologies have turned into the fundamental tools that people use every day. As an outcome, now, people are only able to acknowledge the images viewed through the scopes of technology as reality. People use role play online games, online chat service, and virtual simulators in order to perceive their own version of reality. Every when people physically visit the world outside to gain inspiration and happiness, the images must be "memorialized on film" (Lasn 45) before they are able capture and grasp the factors in their guts. Although, these actions are becoming ordinary, they only provide artificial emotions. This is because previously, images were used to remind themselves of their physical and emotional history. Their inspirations primarily came from the actual visits and the pictures were just the tools for themselves to think of what have made them into the human beings they are currently. However, today, people are only able to capture the concept or the image by looking through the demented scopes created artificially by the others. Such distorted view on the society are created by media and the products, both created by the corporations to further propagate their benefits. This has caused people to lose their identity and thus Lasn claims it to be a problem. However, as Lasn explains, "They're our responsibility, but they are not our fault." (Lasn 178) The corruption of people's identities are caused by the corporations' misleading actions and, although, it is people's responsibility, it is not people's faults for falling into them. People must realize this fact in order to gain energy toward reformation. People must also realize that "corporations are legal fictions." (Lasn 157) and that "their 'bodies' are just judicial constructs, and that, according to Loy, is why they are so dangerous." (157) Corporations are working for no one else but themselves.
            Although such wicked deeds remained under the surface for a long time, some have started to reveal and announce them into the public recently. However, why are people not able to grasp the concepts of the brainwashing done by the corporations and respond to them by requesting a reformation? Lasn analyzes this and explains that diffusion of responsibility is causing such behaviors; "A lot of people who habitually give up often say, 'Hey, it's not my battle.' Or, 'What possible difference can I make?' It's this attitude that allows corporations to gain the upper hand in any policy or procedure they decide to foist upon us." (Lasn 149) According to Lasn, people have given up to challenge the norms spread widely among the community, because they think that just because one of them opposes the system, the rules will not be changed in the democratic community. People wait until others act for what they desire. They wait until the last moment so that they do not have to employ their energy into nebulous future instead of what they think is more stable. People have "spent so much time bowed down in deference [and] forgotten how to stand up straight." (Lasn 71)
            "Culture isn't created from the bottom up by the people any more - it's fed to us top-down by corporations." (Lasn 189) Culture jammers are the group of people who stood up to challenge such injustice and exploitation. They are the group of people who believe that "being spontaneous, authentic, [and] alive" (168) is much more important than being wealthy. They claim that "the broadcaster's right to run a commercial business stands in direct opposition to [their] right to freedom of speech" (Lasn 197) and that the corporations' actions to disrespect authenticity in order to gain further more is unforgiveable. Such exploitation has been veering out of control as "population growth, overconsumption, inappropriate technological applications and relentless economic expansion are destroying the life-support systems on which our future depends." (Lasn 201) To regain their right to freedom of speech, according to Greil Marcus, they must cause "'the détournment of the right sign, in the right place at the right time.'" (Lasn 108) If they are able to spark in such occasion, such spark would "bring everything into focus." (Lasn 109) More specifically, their plan is to put up their messages on media boards in order to reach those who are contaminated. They believe that by fighting on the same ground and gaining an upper hand as Gandhi did, "the power dynamic [would] invert" (Lasn 153) and the resisters will be the ones "who set the agenda" (Lasn 153) for the corporations. If culture jammers are able to commit to their original plan and are able to keep the chain of enlightenment to others with "the joy of jamming" (Lasn 150) as well, they may be the ones who "will wreck this world" (Lasn 121) and bring a fundamental change to the society in the future. If such desired future is achieved, it will not be the governments and the corporations who decide what is 'cool' for the people; it will be the "empowered citizens deciding for themselves what's 'cool'." (Lasn 168) This would bring back the connection between human beings and the planet people once had and then people would be able to educate their children of the importance of individuality.

Works Cited
Fox, Roy. "Salespeak." Comp. Michael Petracca and Madeleine Sorapure. Common Culture: Reading and Writing About American Popular Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.
Lasn, Kalle. Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge, and Why We Must. New York: Quill, 2000. Print.

Williams, Harry. "Life According to TV." Comp. Michael Petracca and Madeleine Sorapure. Common Culture: Reading and Writing About American Popular Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2013.


                As I read through the whole book, Culture Jam, I gained broader perspective. The logical and constructive view point of Lasn provided me an opportunity to propagate myself. Although I have heard of culture jammers in my life, from the first glance, I am able to admit that their critiques were interesting. As a member of American culture, I thought it was necessary for me to seriously consider such matters in order to establish better fundamentals for the community. I got an impression that such poisonous exploitation must be leashed under law and taken under control.
                Overall, I think that this essay was my personal best. First, I was able to back up all of my logics by clear quotes and explanations. I think this is the best improvement that I have gained through this course; to learn how to back up my logic. However, I did not do well sentence structure wise. Although I planned out previous to writing up my draft, as I started writing it, more and more ideas about what should be on the paper popped up. From next time, I would try to put more time into getting ready in order to produce essays with better qualities.

Letter to Myself

Letter to Myself
            Before I have entered the world of doubting social stance, I was an unconscious victim to the mind control by the media. As I moved through the course, I was introduced to many different perspectives, mainly concerning and criticizing about American culture. I have never thought so deeply about the society we live in because I thought it was the only way possible for it to function. However, by recognizing how, in various ways, the society can be modified to fit the desires of many different types of people, I was able to gain a clearer and more general perspective on the society I exist in. I believe I still am a victim but I am at least somewhat conscious about it now and the materials assisted me in realizing so.
            The most entertaining and unforgettable activity that I have done in this course was the artifact activity that was assigned as a kick starter. This helped me observe and analyze the good and the bad of American society and trying to figure out what characteristics of the society fit with the characteristics of the artifact was not only fun, but also beneficial. The reading of Culture Jam was also very educational and exciting. As I kept reading, I was surprised by how critical he is but at same time how that critical comments actually are logical. Although, I could not agree with all of the ideas given by Lasn, most of his ideas were worth analyzing and understanding. All of the activities I have done throughout this course helped me grow as a person by providing me more broader perspectives on the objects.
            As I am trying to pursue a career in educational psychology, I definitely think that this experience is going to be very useful. This is because in educational psychology, I must first think about my students' stand points. If I fail to do so and force my perspectives on them, I will not be able to assist them in self-development of personality and creativity. Although I moved to Japan, I think many of the cultural frictions we have studied throughout the course could apply to the Japanese culture. Thus, in conclusion, I believe that my widened perspective can help me in pursuing my dream.

about myself

Hi Everyone,

My name is Shusuke Sugihara and I am a high school student. I have lived in Japan only for the first six months of my life, but I speak Japanese the best. I moved to America when I was in fifth grade. Although, I have lived in English speaking country the longest, my English skills are not very good.

I like playing soccer. I have played soccer since when I was in kindergarten. Although, I did not neglect school work at all, my first priority was always soccer. I have worked hard to always become better. Few years ago, when I lived in Washington, my team and I were able to become the top 8 team in state. For personal reasons, I quit playing soccer seriously when I moved to California but I still enjoying playing soccer as a hobby.

I am currently a high school student and is planning on graduating high school this June. I am going to move back to Japan by myself after I graduate and apply for Japanese college. When I get into a college, I would like to major in psychology. This has been my personal goal since when I was in middle school and I am working hard currently to achieve this goal. I am planning on becoming a psychologist after I graduate college.

Thank You - Shu